Fastest Extraction of Smoke Within a 150m³ of Space by a Range Hood

Fastest Extraction of Smoke Within a 150m³ of Space by a Range Hood

Security door withstands the most consecutive kicks in the world

Security door withstands the most consecutive kicks in the world

Largest Liuzu Tanjing calligraphy on a single sheet of Xuan paper

Largest Liuzu Tanjing calligraphy on a single sheet of Xuan paper

The Highest IPLV(H) Air-Source Heat Pump Product with a Doubly Hot Loop System

The Highest IPLV(H) Air-Source Heat Pump Product with a Doubly Hot Loop System

The steel-buckled solid wood flooring withstands the highest tensile force

The steel-buckled solid wood flooring withstands the highest tensile force

Most Cities hosting Children's Recitation

Most Cities hosting Children's Recitation

the largest PM2.5 mosaic with readings less than 40μg-m³ in a range hood cooking test

The Chinese home appliance brand "Midea" set up three simulated kitchen rooms in the Xiaotianshan Scenic Area of Zhangjiakou, China

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Joshua J. Marine

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William Frederick Halsey


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